Welcome to Ministry of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs ZIMBABWE!
Ministry of JusticeMinistry of JusticeMinistry of Justice
(Monday - Friday)
Cnr S. Machel Ave & S. Vengesai, Harare
Ministry of JusticeMinistry of JusticeMinistry of Justice

About us

Welcome to Ministry of Justice Zimbabwe

We are dedicated to ensuring that the generality of our people enjoy their rights and that justice is dispensed equally to all our citizens. As the administrator of justice in Zimbabwe, we are committed to creating an environment where justice is not only accessible but also serves as a catalyst for a prosperous and empowered upper middle income society by 2030.Our mission is to uphold the rights of every individual, promote justice and empower our communities through a fair and effective legal system. We believe that justice should be accessible to all, regardless of people’s background or social standing. By upholding the rule of law and fostering accountability, we aim to create a just society that thrives on equality, fairness and respect individual rights.

Call to ask any question +263 242 792 910-14
Want to know more about us? Just download our Client Service Charter

We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.

We bring more than 20 years’ senior experience forging collaborations across government, private sector and international forums.

2024 Ministry Justice Calendar at Glance


5-19 June 2024

Justice Law Order Sector Prison Visit Workshop

23- 27 April 2024

64th Edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF)

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