Welcome to Ministry of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs ZIMBABWE!
Ministry of JusticeMinistry of JusticeMinistry of Justice
(Monday - Friday)
Cnr S. Machel Ave & S. Vengesai, Harare
Ministry of JusticeMinistry of JusticeMinistry of Justice

About us

About us

The Ministry of Justice, Legal, and Parliamentary Affairs in Zimbabwe uphold, develop and provide efficient and effective justice delivery. To ensure that the people of Zimbabwe enjoy their rights and freedoms, the Ministry through its various departments has employed various strategies. Some of the common methods include:

  • Alignment of Legislation to harmonise the laws of the country
  • Decentralisation to provinces and districts to make our services accessible.
  • Implementation of the Intellectual Property Policy and Strategy to promote and protect proprietary rights.
  • Translation of the Constitution into all officially recognised languages in Zimbabwe to promote public awareness of the Constitution.
  • Automation of services to ensure Ease of doing business
Call to ask any question +263 242 774 560, +263 242 774 620-7

Permanent Secretary

Mrs Vimbai Nyemba
Our Values Our Mission Functions

Team Work;

We uphold, develop and provide accessible, efficient and effective justice delivery

  • To promote and uphold the Constitution
  • To provide sound legal services;
  • To undertake legal research and formulate policies;
  • To revise, reform and review the laws of Zimbabwe;
  • To incarcerate and rehabilitate offenders;
  • To register & protect proprietary rights in land, business & Intellectual property;
  • To provide community services to offenders for appropriate rehabilitation;
  • To provide legal assistance to the indigent;

Our Leadership

He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Hon Ziyambi Ziyambi

He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.
Permanent Secretary Mrs Vimbai Nyemba (2)

Mrs Vimbai Nyemba

Permanent Secretary
Deputy Minister Hon N.T Mazungunye (1)

Hon N.T. Mazungunye

Deputy Minister
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.
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Mr T.F Godzi

Chief Director
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.
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Mr R Shana

Acting Deputy Chair, Law Development Commission
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.
Mr Mushayi potrait

Mr W. Mushayi

Chief Registrar
Director Gender, Mainstreaming and Inclusivity
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Mr M. Mukaronda

Director Gender
Director Law Development Commission
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Ms N Zvakasikwa

Director Law Development Commission
National Coordinator PTD
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Ms S Sanyanga,

National Coordinator PTD
Director Human Resources
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Mrs T Nhamburo

Director HR
Director Finance and Administration
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Ms N. Basa

Director Finance & Administration
Director Policy and Legal Research
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Ms T.S.D Chiwenga

Director Policy and Legal Research
Director Community Service
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Mrs Majonga

Director Community Service
Director Constitutional & Parliamentary Affairs

Ms S.Kanyerere

Director Constitutional & Parliamentary Affairs
Director Strategic Policy Planning Monitoring & Evaluation
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Dr A. Majongwe

Director Strategic Policy Planning Monitoring & Evaluation
Director Legal Aid Directorate

Mr J. Nyangombe

Director Legal Aid Directorate

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